If you are using our PIS API and have a question or problem, you can reach out to our support team for help or advice.
The article will run through a step-by-step guide on how you can do this, so our team can provide the best support for you.
From the support centre, select the 'Submit a request' button in the top right corner of the page.
You can then select the type of request you would like to raise, for Payment/PIS, you should select 'Technical Request'.
You should sign in to your account, this will then autopopulate the email address field and provide you with the option to CC anyone in your organisation to the ticket.
Raising a request when you are signed in also allows you to track yours and your organisation's request much easier.
If you don't have an account, click the sign-in button and follow the instructions to create an account.
If you have any trouble creating an account or signing in, please see our video here.
You should then select the product affected as “Payment/PIS”, which will provide more options for you to fill out.
This information is required (unless stated it as optional), as our support team will need this in order to triage your ticket effectively.
You can also provide us with the impact this issue is having. There are brief descriptions available in the form. For more detailed descriptions, please click this link.
You will then have the option to provide a subject line and further description for your ticket. This should be used to provide as much information about the problem you are experiencing.
You can also provide supporting screenshots, if available.
Once you have completed the form, select 'Submit' and we will begin to investigate this for you.
Video Guide