What is the unattended AIS call limit for MBH, Takarek and Granit Bank?


The unattended call limit is the limit of how many calls can be made without an attached IP address before an error is thrown for the rate limit being reached.

For AIS calls, the initial request in a 24-hour period will require an attached IP address, but subsequent calls can be made automatically by authenticated service providers, without an attached IP address.

For some Hungarian banks, specifically MBH (formerly MKB), Takarek, and Granit bank, they have imposed a limit on the number of unattended calls. 


The limit of calls without the customer IP address is 4


The limit of calls without the customer IP address is 4

Granit Bank

The limit of calls without the customer IP address is 4

For Granit Bank, there is an additional restriction of 500 requests per hour

How to know when the limit was reached?

For all three banks, an error will be thrown in the 5th consecutive unattended call in a 24-hour period.

The error is:

INVALID_ARGUMENT: Use x-fapi-customer-ip-address header to provide IP address to make more requests


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