As of 31st October 2023, Nationwide has introduced two additional payment statuses that are now included in responses to payment status requests from Third-Party Providers (TPPs).
Below is the full list of payment statuses returned by Nationwide:
- Pending
- AcceptedSettlementInProcess
- AcceptedSettlementCompleted
- Rejected
- AcceptedWithoutPosting (New)
- AcceptedCreditSettlementCompleted (New)
Final Payment Statuses:
In response to queries from TPPs, Nationwide has confirmed that the following statuses should be treated as final statuses:
- Rejected
- AcceptedWithoutPosting
- AcceptedCreditSettlementCompleted
Both AcceptedWithoutPosting and AcceptedCreditSettlementCompleted are mapped to SUCCESS on Token’s system, ensuring that these statuses are treated as successful transactions.