What are the new payment statuses being returned by Nationwide?

As of 31st October 2023, Nationwide has introduced two additional payment statuses that are now included in responses to payment status requests from Third-Party Providers (TPPs).

Below is the full list of payment statuses returned by Nationwide:

- Pending
- AcceptedSettlementInProcess
- AcceptedSettlementCompleted
- Rejected
- AcceptedWithoutPosting (New)
- AcceptedCreditSettlementCompleted (New)

Final Payment Statuses:
In response to queries from TPPs, Nationwide has confirmed that the following statuses should be treated as final statuses:

- Rejected
- AcceptedWithoutPosting
- AcceptedCreditSettlementCompleted

Both AcceptedWithoutPosting and AcceptedCreditSettlementCompleted are mapped to SUCCESS on Token’s system, ensuring that these statuses are treated as successful transactions.

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