Why are payments ending in ACFC status for N26 Bank?

ACFC status, according to the N26 Developer Documentation, is applied to a payment when:

AcceptedFundsChecked. User has enough funds to perform a payment, and a hold has been applied on the funds.

Based on the bank's documentation, this isn't considered a final status.

Why are cases ending in ACFC status for N26 Bank?

As N26 does not support the refreshing of tokens for PIS, we map this to SUCCESS on the Token side as a workaround. This is to ensure that cases do not finalise in PROCESSING status. Without having the capacity to refresh the token, cases would end in PROCESSING status without this.

Additional compliance checks may result in a payment being marked as RJCT on the bank's side in rare cases. The choice by Token to map ACFC status to SUCCESS is due to a limitation on the bank's side. 

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