When checking the final status of a transfer, it is helpful to refer to the status codes contained within the response to understand if and why a payment has failed.
ISO20022 provides detailed information on the status reason. However, via PSD2 APIs, only STET banks tend to return a codified reason along with the RJCT payment. Therefore, these reason codes can be mostly found in French banks.
The below error codes can be found via the status reason information field within GET/ banks. They can provide further insight in to why a payment was rejected:
AC01 (IncorectAccountNumber): the account number is either invalid or does not exist
AC04 (ClosedAccountNumber): the account is closed and cannot be used
AC06 (BlockedAccount): the account is blocked and cannot be used
AG01 (Transaction forbidden): Transaction forbidden on this type of account
AM04 ( Insufficient Funds) Amount of funds available to cover specified message amount is insufficient
AM18 (InvalidNumberOfTransactions): the number of transactions exceeds the ASPSP acceptance limit
CH03 (RequestedExecutionDateOrRequestedCollectionDateTooFarInFuture): The requested execution date is too far in
the future -
CUST (RequestedByCustomer): The reject is due to the debtor: refusal or lack of liquidity
DS02 (OrderCancelled): An authorized user has cancelled the order
FF01 (InvalidFileFormat): The reject is due to the original Payment Request which is invalid (syntax, structure or values)
FRAD (FraudulentOriginated): the Payment Request is considered as fraudulent
MS03 (NotSpecifiedReasonAgentGenerated): No reason specified by the ASPSP
NOAS (NoAnswerFromCustomer): The PSU has neither accepted nor rejected the Payment Request and a time-out
has occurred -
RR01 (MissingDebtorAccountOrIdentification): The Debtor account and/or Identification are missing or inconsistent
RR03 (MissingCreditorNameOrAddress): Specification of the creditor’s name and/or address needed for regulatory
requirements is insufficient or missing. -
RR04 (RegulatoryReason): Reject from regulatory reason
RR12 (InvalidPartyID): Invalid or missing identification required within a particular country or payment type.